Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Do you remember the movie Bruce Almighty? In that movie God kept trying to speak to Bruce in different ways by showing him the numbers of a scripture over and over again, particularly through his alarm clock. I had the same thing happen to me recently. I woke up one night last week and sensed that God had woken me up. The clock said 2:22 and I thought He wanted me to look up Jeremiah 2:22. The next morning I looked that scripture up (even 22:2), but nothing really leaped out at me as being really important at that time.

Two days later at my ladies Bible study, the leader asked me to read Isaiah 2:22. I gasped! Of course the ladies wanted to know what was going on so I told them my wake up story.That scripture says: "Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?" This really spoke to me since we have been having to put a lot of trust in men lately with the building projects that we are working on. Maybe more trust in them than we should have. Are we looking to God to be our provider, our provision and our hope? I'm not sure we can ever fulfill that 100%, but I know that we should always be willing to grow in that process our entire Christian walk.

Don't be surprised if God tries to get your attention in unconventional ways. He is definitely creative in his approaches to speak to us. And He sure has a good sense of humor!!

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