Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Choose Life Part II
When we choose to face hard things in our lives, and must lean on the Lord, we discover a part of His character that we didn't know before. If we are facing a financial crisis and must turn to Him for help, we discover Him as our provider. If we are sick, we discover Him as our Healer. Without need in our lives, we would not know the fullness of the Lord's character that can only be understood during those times of need. It seems like without need, our understanding of God is only academic. He comes alive in us as we need Him.
My Mom has always told us kids that God doesn't waste anything. I believe that that is true. He uses everything for His glory and for our blessing. He is such a good Father!!
Two days later at my ladies Bible study, the leader asked me to read Isaiah 2:22. I gasped! Of course the ladies wanted to know what was going on so I told them my wake up story.That scripture says: "Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?" This really spoke to me since we have been having to put a lot of trust in men lately with the building projects that we are working on. Maybe more trust in them than we should have. Are we looking to God to be our provider, our provision and our hope? I'm not sure we can ever fulfill that 100%, but I know that we should always be willing to grow in that process our entire Christian walk.
Don't be surprised if God tries to get your attention in unconventional ways. He is definitely creative in his approaches to speak to us. And He sure has a good sense of humor!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Feeling powerless?
I thought a lot about the movie and our powerlessness in life. I've decided that very often it does appear that we are powerless in this life. And it feels like we're alone there and I think this can often lead to discouragement. The enemy loves to isolate us, doesn't he?
The truth is that we are not powerless, that we have the most powerful person in the universe behind us, fighting for us. I know, it doesn't always seem like He is winning, but His Word says that He is over all, so that answers that.
It certainly appeared that Jesus was powerless and defeated as He hung on the cross 2,000 + years ago, but little did the enemy know that God's Kingdom is an upside down one. The enemy didn't know that suffering and what appears to be defeat in the earth actually leads to victory. We can't always see what is happening in the heavenlies as we choose to trust God in our "powerless" seasons. But I know one thing for sure, that according to God's Word, we win in the end!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Stop in the Name of Love!!
I just love when God uses a secular song to get my attention. This morning I was talking with my friend Melanie, and she said those words (Stop in the name of love) and ever since then I can't get that song out of my head. I hear God saying, "Stop in the name of love, you're breaking my heart when you dwell on your circumstances, on your pain, on your offense, and when you grumble. Stop in the name of love, you're tearing us apart, you're drawing away from my love and grace as you forget to praise me for this time, as you forget to see my hand in your life, as you forget what I did for you in the past. Think it over...think about my Goodness, my Love. Remember you are my beautiful bride, you are my beloved daughter/son, you are the object of my affection. Think about my hand in your life in the past, think about my promises in my Word about who you are and the power you have because you're mine. Remember the love handles I have provided for you." Think it over....
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Trojan Horse
In the midst of a battle, it's easy to focus on the battle and become discouraged and troubled. It's easy for the enemy to send seemingly innocent thoughts into our minds, but those simple thoughts can be trojan horses. Once we dwell on them, they release destructive thought patterns into our minds and try to undermine our faith, especially when there is a delay involved.
Finally, as I realized that the Lord was trying to show me where I should be focusing during the current battle, I began to focus on this scripture and as I was doing that I realized that the words were describing Jesus: true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, praiseworthy. I've never seen that in that passage before. So as I meditated on the Word, He came and spoke to me and encouraged me by revealing Himself to me. I love those simple ways that the Lord shows us He is there and working on our behalf.
And I don't want to miss the second part of that passage: "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." I can't think of anything we need more when we're facing a battle and giants in the land than the God of peace. He promises He will be with us!
Don't Forget The Troop's Spouses!
And don't forget to pray for our troops daily. Even though the war has been long and drawn out - our men and women are still there fighting for our freedom. Let's not forget them or take them for granted. God bless them!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Scenic Route!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Value of Fear
As parents, one of the biggest areas that can bring fear into our lives is circumstances surrounding our children. Our love for them wants only the best, but life gets in the way of that. God promises that in this life, you will have trouble. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. How does God overcome the world? Sure, He is God and He can do anything He wants. But I believe that He desires for us to partner with Him in the circumstances of our lives through intercessory prayer.
Of course, we shouldn't remain in fear, for this shows that we don't really trust God. When I'm experiencing fear and trepidation, I try to remember to turn to prayer, even if it's for just moments at a time. Each time I turn from the fear to intercession, to our loving Father's face, instead of dwelling in the fear, I experience a measure of victory that leads to greater strength in the future. I don't even notice at the moment of choice that I am being strengthened, but slowly and surely the victory and peace begins to move through my spirit and emotions.
We have to remember that we truly do have an enemy that hates us, because we bear the image of the living God and he hates Him. He really wants to destroy us, as quickly as possible. We must remain in persistent prayer over an issue and not let up. We are in a battle and we must use every weapon available to us from the heavenly arsenal.
A couple of weeks ago I went to a wonderful retreat. We spent four hours every morning seeking the Lord and journaling where He was in the events of our lives. Then in the afternoon, we took turns reading our journals to the group.
I was so surprised to see that every single person had had really hard times in their lives and every single one of us were dealing with current problems. I guess I was surprised at that because they all looked like they had it together. We forget that behind every life, there are struggles and issues. The enemy loves to lie to us and tell us that we're the only one with issues so that he can shame us and send us into troubled places. He uses lies and fear to separate and shame us.
The goal of our lives should not be to try to avoid troubles, but to be sure that our foundation is strong through the storms. We all know how that is accomplished, but the main thing I want to say today is that God is good, faithful, powerful and merciful and full of grace and He is our sure foundation. Whom shall I fear?