Friday, April 4, 2008

Every move I make...

Do you ever wake up with a feeling of dread? The other morning when I woke up with that feeling, I sensed that it must grieve God's heart that we aren't sure if He can really help us with the circumstances of our lives. Do we think that He isn't wise enough, powerful enough or adequate enough to help us. Do we think that His arm is too short or that He is too old or feeble or weak? Do we think that He doesn't love us enough to care about the situations we face, or that He is mean spirited and enjoys watching us suffer? I know these aren't really conscious thoughts we have, but do we operate as though we believe they are true?

Of course, all of these questions are ludicrous. His arm is not too short to help us and He says that He never sleeps or slumbers. He says that all good things come from Him. He says that He loves us enough to have sent His only son to die so that we could spend eternity with Him. He never changes or ages or forgets.

But His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are much higher than ours. His perspective is from a much higher vantage point than ours and His desires are unselfish. He promises that He works everything to good for those who love Him...

The next time I wake up feeling anxious, I am going to remind myself what a loving Father I have. I discovered anew Psalm 91 the other day. Verses 1 & 2 say, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.'" It helps me to remember that God is really big and He is for me.

All that day I had the chorus of the secular song on my mind that goes, "Every step I take, every move I make, I'll be watching you." I know that it wasn't the intent of the songwriter to talk about God watching us, but I felt like the Holy Spirit was using that secular song to remind me that He is watching over me, no matter where I am or what I am doing. The prayer of my heart once more is that I will live like I believe Him.

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